DB Thick Protective Coat
Can be applied onto galvanised steel parts, zinc (clean according to BFS Data Sheet No. 5), black iron, steel or non-anodized aluminium. In the case of black iron and steel, a priming with Rust Stop is recommended. For coating of galvanised fences, gates, railings, gutters, steel constructions as well as of non-anodized aluminium components such as projecting roofs, hall gates, facade panelling etc.
Product properties
Colour stable, even in chemically aggressive atmospheres, high anti-corrosion protection, coating remains resistant against embrittlement, to be applied in very thick layers, high solids content.
Binder base
PVC-acrylic polymer
Degree of gloss
Silk matt
(23 ° C 60 % rel. air humidity)
Dust-dry: ca. 30 minutes; Touch-dry: ca. 3 hours; Re-coatable: ca. 6 hours; Through-dried: depending on coat thickness ca. 36 hours and more; loadable: after ca. 2 weeks. Low temperatures and / or higher air humidity as well as considerable layer thicknesses delay drying.
Spreading rate
Approx. 250-350 g/m² in order to achieve 80-100 µ dry fil layer.
Type of application
Brush: brush with natural bristles. Roller: use short-pile roller. Spray: Airless: pressure ca. 200 bar
Nozzle: 0,28 – 0,33 mm – 0,011 – 0,013 inch
DB 703, RAL 9006
Field of application
Exterior, interior
Package size
750 ml, 2,5 l