Artistic Locksmith-Flat Varnish
For iron and steel parts of every type, such as balcony railings and staircase banisters, as well as for wrought-iron work, gates, fences etc.
Product properties
Artistic Locksmith-Matt Varnish offers an excellent surface hardness, is rust-inhibitive and displays a good adhesion.
Binder base
PU alkyd resin
Degree of gloss
(23 °C 60 % rel. air humidity)
Dust-dry: 2 – 3 hours; Re-coatable: after overnight drying; Through-dried: after 24 hours. The values can deviate considerably depending on temperature and air humidity.
Spreading rate
Approx. 12 m²/l per coat
Type of application
Brush: use brush with natural bristles. Roller: use roller with short-pile mohair roller. Spray: dilute with max. 5 % turpentine. Airless: Pressure ca. 160 bar Nozzle: 0,28 – 0,33 mm – 0,011 – 0,013 inch. Aircoat: Pressure 80 – 100 bar Air 1 – 1,5 bar Nozzle: 0,28 – 0,33 mm – 0,011 – 0,013 inch. High Pressure: Pressure 3 – 5 bar Nozzle: 1,5 – 2,0 mm. Fine Coat: Pressure ca. 0,48 bar Nozzle: 1,8 mm.
Black. Anthracite with micaceous iron ore. Graphite black, may be applied by brush on specular iron. By brushing the last coat with a synthetic brush or brass brush, Artistic Locksmith-Matt Varnish graphite black provides a decorative metallic iron gloss appearance.
Field of application
Exterior, interior
Package size
125 ml (only black), 375 ml, 750 ml, 2,5 l