Acrylic Silk Paint
For wood such as roof undersides, panelling, folding shutters, gates, fences, windows, half-timbering as well as garden sheds and boat-houses etc., rust-protected iron parts such as railings, warm water and steam heating systems (to 80 ° C), zinc plate such as gutters, garage doors etc., aluminium, hard plastic such as hard PVC, ABS etc. For the treatment of bee hives, bee boxes and wooden components used in connection with beekeeping. Not suitable for use in organic apiculture.
Product properties
Low odour, block stable, gloss retaining, non-yellowing, high coverage and a perfect flow, very good edge covering. In accordance with EN 71, part 3, Safety of Children`s Toys.
Binder base
Acrylate dispersion
Degree of gloss
Silk gloss
(23°C 60 % rel. air humidity)
Dust-dry: ca. 2-4 hours; Re-coatable: after 6-8 hours; Fully loaded: after ca. 3 days.
Spreading rate
Ca. 10-12 m²/l per coat
Type of application
Brush: Use brush with synthetic bristles. Roller: Use short-pile mohair roller. Spray: Dilute with max. 10% water.
White and coloured in RAL-shades per colour card and base paint; miscible with the tinting machine Jansen MIX.
Field of application
Exterior, interior
Package size
(125 ml shades according to colour card), 375 ml, 750 ml, 2,5 l