Top coat
For re-working surfaces that have already been coated with Jansen Aqua Metal Protection 3 in 1 with iron mica. To achieve a smoother, easier to clean and more robust surface e.g. on steel frames, elevator doors, railings, handrails, shelves. Wherever a scratch-resistant, hand-welded surface is required.
Product properties
Odourless, highly abrasion-resistant, shock and impact resistant, resistant to many household cleaners, weather-resistant.
Binder base
PU acrylate dispersion
Degree of gloss
Satin gloss
(23 ° C 60 % rel. humidity)
Dust dry: after 30 minutes. May be coated over after approx. 2-4 hours. Fully dry after 12 hours. Full stress capacity: after 3 days.
The values may vary considerably, depending on temperature and humidity. The formation of a film may be impaired at temperatures below + 5°C and too high a humidity.
Spreading rate
Approx. 10 m² / litre, per coat
Type of application
Brushing: Use a brush with mixed bristles. Rolling: Use short pile mohair rollers. Spraying: dilute with max. 5 % water.
Field of application
Exterior, interior
Package size
750 ml